EACH NOVEMBER, AMERICANS PAUSE TO HONOR VETERANS FROM ALL BRANCHES OF the military for their sacrifices for our country.
In keeping with this time-honored tradition, Friends of the Central Texas Veterans Cemetery will hold a Laying of the Wreaths ceremony Saturday, November 24, at 10 a.m. at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen. A motorcycle brigade will escort the wreaths to the cemetery prior to the ceremony. Visitors are encouraged to park at the Texas A&M University-Central Texas campus on state Highway 201 in Killeen. Buses will be available to transport visitors to and from the cemetery beginning at 8:45 a.m. The wreath-laying began in 2007 when Wreaths Across America sent six wreaths to be laid in honor of each military service branch, prisoners of war and those missing in action. Through a volunteer effort, enough wreaths were gathered to lay on every grave. This year, there are approximately 8,300 veterans and family members in the cemetery. Wreath preparation will be Saturday, November 17, at 10 a.m. at the Killeen Special Events Center, 3301 S. W.S. Young Drive. Volunteers are always welcome to help prepare, lay and pick up wreaths. No sign-up is needed. Wreath retrieval will be Saturday, January 12, 2019, at 10 a.m. Buses again will shuttle volunteers to the cemetery from the TAMU-CT campus beginning at 8:45 a.m. If you are unable to volunteer but wish to make a monetary donation to purchase wreaths, visit wreathsforvets.org and click Donate in the menu on the left. The cemetery is located at 11463 Texas Highway 195 in Killeen.
Article retrieved from the Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative